- washington, paris , london dan bonn makin gusar
- amerika hantar kapal terbang nak bawa warga pulang
- reaktor no 4 mula bocor
- pagi khamis heli askar jatuhkan 30 tan air sejuk ke dlam loji
- G7 mula tunjukkan risau tentang ekonomi
- presiden russia dmitry medevdec kata – collossal national disaster –
- baru disedari umum bahawa reaktor no3 ada plutonium,
- plutonium paling bahaya walau pun debu – barah
- sebastian pflugbeil dari society for radiation protection berkata
- apa yang berlaku di fukushima – permulaan kehancuran –
- the beginning of the catastropic phase –
- penduduk tokyo – 13 juta – akan bergelap
- atm mesin bank mizoho jam 2 kali – ramai keluarkan duit
- kedutaan amerika di tokyo mula kurangkan keluarga
- britain nasehatkan warganya untuk tinggal kan jepun
- amerika dan peranchis telah melakukan pekara yang sama
- russian nak tutup kedutaan
- opis passport tokyo beribu beratur semua nak ambil passport
- malaysia tak buat apa apa kerana fulus sudah habis kah kah kah
kalau dari awal berkata jujur
banyak pekara boleh diselesaikan
tapi saudagar loji tak berani
bercakap benar takut pelaboran rugi
sekarang rugi lagi besar
UN predicts nuclear plume could hit U.S. by FRIDAY as Obama finally falls in line with the rest of the world and starts evacuating American citizens from Japan
• French minister: 'Let's not beat about the bush, they've essentially lost control'
• Cooling pool for spent fuel rods has 'boiled dry at reactor number four
• Japanese have 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'
• Radioactive steam spews into atmosphere from reactor number three
• Experts warn that crisis is 'approaching point of no return' as officials run out of options
• Officials commandeer police water cannon to spray complex
• Attempts to dump water on reactors by helicopter fail
sumber dari tukar tiub
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